On behalf of the staff of the Independent California Motel, I wish you all sweet dreams.

Potato 🥔 @DrSevenSeizeMD

Age 71

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New Hampshire

Joined on 12/10/05

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- I'd wish for all the damage I've done to my brain from drugs to healed.
- I'd wish to be a wealthy, but not famous, musician
- I'd wish my bi-polar disorder to be healed

Sorry, genie. I've gotta look out for my own ass.

If genies weren't so damn tricky, they'd let us combine wishes in exchange for their freedom.

There's actually been studies of this, and they found out that money does buy happiness up to $70k a year. More than that and the correlation stops.

I can buy it! I don't think I'd want to be ridiculously wealthy. Like no desire go have a mansion. But enough money to quit my job? Super happy.

@DrSevenSeizeMD I probably could have combines 1 & 3. I tend to think they're related.
In that case, I would free the li'l bastard.

First wish would be to have the genie act in good faith (no monkey's paw thank you)

2nd wish would be have body healed from all damaged I've accumulated (I also have bad kidneys)

And my last wish would be to always have just enough money in whatever local currency.

Thats all I can think of.

I was trying to think of how the genie would screw us over with the money thing. Like "poof, you have unlimited money but it's stolen and now you're on the run from the law" etc.
How do you wish for money genie proof....

Having better social skills, 1,000 dollars and better mental health.

First wish would be that I'd get myself and those I care about a better life.
Second would be to gain superpowers to aid on my first wish.
Third would be setting the Genie free.

One other thing, in all honesty, you are hot. If you wished for the genie to make you hot and healthy, ironically I'd have a happy heart attack if I saw that......You know what? That could solve a lot of problems out East.

[You can't wish for anyone to die. I really want my evil family members who screwed over my grandparents to just drop dead.]

that would be problematic

[You can't wish for people to love you]

that would just make life to easy

[You can't wish for immortality]

anybody who wishes that really hasn't thought it through...but living for a 1000 years though, aging proportionate to a human, may be neato though. Even if the world goes to complete cha0s in 100 years, the suffering would last for another nine centuries, not an eternity

[You can't bring people (or cats) back from the dead]

equally or greater problematic than the first exception


[I'd want to be beautiful. I mean like BEAUTIFUL beautiful. I don't think I'm ugly or anything, but I'd want to be HOT.]

what would you change about the way you are now?

[But I've got a bad heart. Bad kidneys. I'm in poor health. So before I'd wish to be hot, I'd wish to be healthy.]

when people ask why I rarely complain, I tell them as long as long as I have my health, I can't be mad

[I'd want to wish for some sort of way to have unlimited money. I feel like despite what people say, money does buy happiness, and it'd solve a lot of my problems.]

it will solve a lot of problems but may pave a new hollowness for existential problems that people with real problems don't have the luxury to worry about. But does money really buy happiness? I am not sure. Happiness is learning to be content with what you have. it's not that simple. mentally existential problems are a different but not lesser type of problem. poor rural country folk and villagers tend to be the happiest people.

: And I'd want my 3rd wish to be to free the genie. I'd feel way too guilty if I didn't free the genie.

that's four wishes. Will they still be able to grant wishes? what about all the other people and their 3 wishes. also maybe they like it in their lamp.


my 3 wishes would be

1. Be erotically compatible with women. This is not the same as romantic love. I'll probably never get to experience either, and they are basically one of the top points of life.

2. Possess @Sobolev level intelligence.

3. A nice house by the beach for my mom.

I feel like it's possible that maybe @Sobolev is a genie. We should have considered this earlier.

k now I got respond to how the genie could screw us over.

You wish to be hot.

Wish granted. You are now in the middle of Death Valley in July, with a fever- and a short temper. What a hothead!

You wish to be wealthy.

Wish granted. What you don't know is the genie stole the money from a mob and now they are out to wack you.

You wish to free the genie.

Wish granted...but they were imprisoned in the lamp for a reason. The genie gets their powers by draining the life-force of an alien species in far away planets. Now that you have released them, they will re-embark on their tour of universal conquest and genocide.

I wish to be romantically compatible with women.

Wish granted. I become a male hooker and one day I get robbed/killed GTA style.

I wish to have Sobolev level intelligence.

Wish granted. I become an intellectual in an agricultural dictatorship and I get killed by the government as my intelligence by itself is considered a threat to their rule.

I wish to gift my mom a house by the beach.

Wish granted. The beach has a tsunami which destroys all the coastal properties.

See? This exactly! We can't trust genies!

You don’t have to know much about economics to realise it is just the result of diminishing marginal utility. After passing certain threshold, your satisfaction levels off with higher rewards.

Give me $80,000.00 and I'll test out this theory.

1. I want to be less of an asshole on the internet.

2. I wish for ten million so that I can retire early.

3. I wish I could break the world record in one area of sports.

@Sobolev 1. Time heals all.
2. Consider investing in the Canadian Dollar when it's low, once it goes up again you'll get a lot more than what you put in initially.
3. That's easy. Think of a sport you're good at if any. Think of the specific position that you excel at, then exercise the hell out of that until you're able to do it in your sleep. Easy, but time consuming. Like take baseball for example, if Pitching's your thing, the record you set would be how fast you throw that ball into the strike zone. Batting? How far you can get it out of the stadium.

May as well say how the Djinn might screw me over on that one.

1. My wish for a better life for me and my loved ones. We do get better lives, but we'd live with the guilt that the rest of the world is still suffering.
2. Superpowers. If I did this wish right, I'd gain superpowers with no consequences save for my mortality. However, sometimes, people go mad with power or have trouble controlling their powers so I could risk destroying a lot.
3. Since I treat my Djinn nice, there is a possibility that they would spare me, but at the same time still have to troll me per the screwover rule. So needless to say worse case scenario, before it takes over the world, it would just either kill me or kick me in the balls and run away.

I could live with that.

@Peepers @DrSevenSeizeMD There are Djinn out there that don't follow the three wish rule. I don't know if you believe in this stuff, but there are shops out there that do what's known as "Spirit Keeping." Some of them are frauds but there's the odd one that knows their stuff. They sell all kinds of spirits, Djinn, fairy, ghosts, demons, angels, you name it. They're also an occult shop so those who practice Wicca can also stock up on supplies. I seen one of those shops in downtown Toronto. Went there once dressed like Jason from the Friday the 13th Movies. They sell everything from Tarot Cards to singing bowls. Anywho, some of these shops claim to have these things and in the case of Genies aka Djinn, each one has a certain "Class" depending on their powers and the master's desire. For example if one was to wish for wealth, there'd be a Djinn specifically for that. Another wishes to be beautiful, they have one for that. But many of them do not follow the three wish stereotype. Sounds crazy, but it looks cool.

Infinite wishes.

#1 - I'd wish for the information on how to pull any girl I want. (They aren't instantly falling in love with me because im still working at it but I just do what the instructions say ig)

#2 - I would wish to be a professional soccer player. (I've always wanted to be one and it would be a career that I would love to put my life into)

#3 - I would want to be able to jump into any picture or video type thing. (I could be in episodes of pomemon and stuff. I could also jump into por........ wait who said that!)

I'd wish for you to be healthy so you could save your wish for something fun.

Weirdly enough, a lot of what people think of as being hot is actually signs of being healthy, so you'd likely kill two birds with one stone by wishing for that.

Anyway, I'd wish for longer pubes so I could braid them. I'm talking knee length knots of the stuff. Then I'd wish for the genie to yank on my pubic braids while he ate my ass.