I was taking a picture of my tan line on my wrist, from my FitBit, to send to a friend, when I noticed that my faucet's shadow looks like a huge dick in the top right corner.
If you look closely, you can also see the scar from where my dad put a cigarette out on my hand when I was 3 or 4.
Good times!
You're right it looks like a giant....
Publisher: Longfellow are you finished with that book?
Longfellow: I'll be done in a moment. You know something? That faucet looks like a large...
School Kid: Weenie. You did that on purpose.
Other Kid: I'm sorry. I just can't stop thinking about that faucet. The tap looks like a couple of...
Wrestling Promoter: Cojones!! Who has the cojones to take on the champ.
Contender: I do....wait a minute why is his weapon a faucet and why does it look like a large....
Military Commander: Johnson. Turn that damn tub off you're flooding the War Room.