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Potato πŸ₯” @DrSevenSeizeMD

Age 71

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New Hampshire

Joined on 12/10/05

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Cancer and Chickens in the Summertime

Posted by DrSevenSeizeMD - June 23rd, 2023

Hi newgrounds family! Figured I'd post an update since summer is here.

First of all, the cats are doing well and getting along great. (2 headed cat?)


I've continued to hatch out chickens--- from the grocery store! It's an experiment I've been doing for a year now. You just go get Happy Eggs brand from the grocery store and put them in an incubator, and despite being washed, pasteurized, shipped, and refrigerated, they'll hatch! Here's one of my Kroger boys right now and a few friends I hatched from farm eggs, for him. (I've averaged 2-3 chicks per carton)


I did go glamping in Texas--- and I freaking got salmonella poisoning! Only me, right?! Sitting outside my tent at 3 AM just praying I WOULD die omg....I had to go find an urgent care in Seguin, Texas to get an IV.

They also found kidney stones while I was there!

All that aside, it was very pretty there. Tons of deer and possums and raccoons and armadillos and bunnies hanging out with me at 3 AM outside the tent.Β πŸ˜„


I had surgery to have my heart monitor out. The plan was to place a pacemaker or something of that sort, but the electrophysiologist just said my EKGs were too minor for that. I had like 500ish episodes but mostly SVT and that's not something you shock people for. They'll re-evaluate me yearly and he said if anything I might eventually need a new monitor. I'm now set up with an external monitor, to record a 6 lead EKG when I have symptoms. (I'm actually in SVT right now. I feel like crap. πŸ‘Ž)

They wouldn't let me wear makeup or eat breakfast or lunch for this one. I purposely declined pain meds and anxiety meds for the procedure so I could immediately be discharged after the procedure with no recovery admission, and drive through McDonald's and get a cheeseburger.Β I was starving.


They numbed my chest with local anesthetic and I was awake for all of it. It wasn't painful and they put up a tent so I couldn't see, but I could feel my blood everywhere. 🀒 I do not recommend. Gross feeling.

I took a break from surgery to go to the beach and go to Disney World! I did NOT have to go to the hospital during this trip, praise the lordt. iu_1002419_1414829.webp


I ate lots of good food. It's important you see the food. I found a gothic bakery called Gideons that I know @DamnedByFate would love. I unfortunately did not care for the paprika chips in Germany at Epcot. I apologize DBF. Also, I made sure to put sugar in my grits on the way home, just for @FUNKbrs.


The Star Wars area at Disney was cool as hell. It was neat, even if you aren't the biggest Star Wars fan.


Back at home, I redid my tests for ovarian cancer and they look the same--- which is actually a good thing! Cancer should be growing. This isn't growing, so it's hopefully a benign tumor. He is redoing imaging in September and we will go to 6 month monitoring if things look good there. 🀞

Unfortunately, while at a routine dermatology exam, THAT doctor found what she thinks is skin cancer, and maybe Melanoma, because why not, right?

I've now had 2 procedures to remove tissue from my lower stomach. (Maybe it's related to my dumb ovaries, I dunno) I had one surgery today. Once again I was awake and numbed and the worst was all the stitches. Blegh. I go back in like 2 weeks and we should have biopsy results in, but she might have already removed what needed to be removed, so I'm not too worried. She said she was actually removing extra to hopefully nip any problems in the bud.

(I got a cheeseburger after this surgery as well. It was ok. 6/10)

It is what it is. If I need more surgery, I need more surgery. If I die, I'll haunt all of you. The circle of life. πŸ‘»

Still crossing things off my bucket list. Planning a trip to Nevada and California at the moment.

Still planning our Boston trip. My little sister is coming in from New York to visit this week! I'm gonna see if I can talk her into going to Maine too. I wanna see Bar Harbor.

Aaannnndddd I kinda wanna go back to Disney World in October for the Halloween party. It's Nightmare Before Christmas themed, I think Jack and Sally host it.

I might just live at Disney World.

Considering taking a cruise as well, but it looks like you have to book those 2-3 years out? I might not have that kinda time.Β πŸ˜„ Any of yall ever go on a cruise? How's that work?

Anyway, I hope you're all doing well. I've had some classes this summer but I'm really hoping to get a bit of artwork done and uploaded here. Maybe I'll draw a chicken!

Love yall! Behave yourselves. Be good to others. Stay hydrated.Β 




you look great, even without a makeup and in a patient smock.
sorry to hear that the good cancer news was neutralized by a potential melanoma, hoping hard it's just benign tissue
keep staying in good spirits.

Thank you!!!!

thx I was wondering a lot

I hope you are good too!

Hope things get better.
I agree with @S3C even hospital attire makes you look hot.

What a mix of sickness misfortune and magnificent and awesome here. O_O Holy hell Seven, how much can you be going through at the same time...considering lack of make-up and sustenance you look surprisingly good in that hospital photo shoot, though I wonder what cheeseburgers and such do to the heart and all...

Lots of utopian-looking beaches, beings, meals and critters with cuteness beyond comprehension here, hope the bad stuff gets better, and may the potential skin cancer - if it is so - at least be that milder form of it that does not spread...

All the best! Well-wishes healing meals and rest!

In my defense, my heart issues are electric (so arrhythmia, not caused by cheeseburgers) but I probably should cut back on them anyway!
Also, you could go to Disney World and eat a lot of that food. They have many gluten free options!!!

Fine fine, I'll craft a soul stone for you so you can haunt everyone in real-time without time zone lag. This is just a special favor for you, alright? I don't usually let outsiders into my research...

I feel so important!!!

Take care, I hope that it will not be melanoma.

Thank you

Funny, in my fantasies about you being in the hospital, you're dressed as a nurse. Also, I thought I specifically told you not to have cancer or to die.

Have you not been listening to a word I've said?

I'm gonna go down to the spiritual supply store and stock up on salt, chalk, candles, and a fresh ouija board since you seem to think I'm playing games.

You know who you need to outlive. FFFuck him, and FFFuck cancer.

Spite is the only thing keeping me alive. I learned from the master.

No need to apologize. It was gothic. I am pleased.

Speaking of gothic, I sure hope that Nightmare Before Christmas event will feature Amy in the role of Sally.

Also, fuck cruises. You don't want to be on them, you instead want to be on a pirate ship and loot them.

Finally, cheeseburgers are always a valid excuse. Except for your cats; I believe they'd prefer the chickens you've been hatching.

Don't die without me.

Gothic pirate cruise?

@DrSevenSeizeMD The ship needs sails and cannon.

Good jorb, glad things are getting better for you, and even better that two cats can get along. My neighbor upstairs just brought in a kitten, and her other cat is not having it. It's not as easy as dogs i guess.

My cats are trying to eat the chickens though. I do have that going on.

You still look very pretty without makeup. I hope things get better.

Kitties n titties on my timeline? What a day!

I've never really wanted to go on a cruise. Too many people on isolated boats with a propensity to lose toilets and power and noro virus outbreaks...


That sounds super amazing!! I hope everything getz better and you can enjoy more stuff like these!

I bid you good luck with the cruise booking.
have fun!

Such a rollercoaster of an update!
Good news and(possibly) bad. Salmonella and tons of food. Nature and Star Wars. Beaches and forest. Chicks and kitties.
I don't even know how to process all this.
Congratulations and I'm sorry to hear that, I suppose?
That food looks delicious, and I think I would absolutely love the Star Wars park.
Seriously hope everything works out for the best. You're one of the bright spots of this user base.(And I look forward to more art)

Ah arrhythmia... do they have any idea what'd cause such issues in your case? Just unfortunate genetics? Disney World's definitely something I'ma add to my bucklist then. :) Sounds/looks awesome.

I developed it after having Swine Flu when I was 29. Here I am 10 years later and I still have it.
I tried telling people about this when covid started and I lost a lot of friends, but a bad virus can wreck anyone's heart. :-(

You're strong! respect for going full awake mode Kadafi Style! I hope the next procedures goes just as smooth or better, lets get you a robocop heart so you last forever <3


Oh damn, all these flu's really are that dangerous huh. The Swine one might not have been as widespread over here, don't think I know anyone else who caught it. Well... that sucks. :/ Is it a definitively permanent condition, nothing that may best case get better by itself eventually?

Good to keep in mind...

They said sometimes they get better on their own. Sometimes you need surgery like an ablation. I still may end up having an ablation.

Ah ablation seems like a serious thing too... I guess you might've tried Cardioversion already? Electric shocks to correct rhythm?

They would use electric shocks during the ablation, to burn the pathways reacting incorrectly. :-) They've never used it on me yet, though I have had an AED hooked to me more than once in case they had to.
Like they had the pads on me during the surgery in case shock was required. Yay!!!

Oh it is a part of that process too! Interesting, learning a fair bit of hearts here. lol that seemingly unwarranted 'Yay!!!' at the end of the AED annotation. XD Never wrong with precautions in padding though fo shizzle! May you preferably get a less electric shock if this condition just disappears by itself someday soon instead, that'd be nice. Hope all goes well.

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