On behalf of the staff of the Independent California Motel, I wish you all sweet dreams.

Potato ๐Ÿฅ” @DrSevenSeizeMD

Age 71

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New Hampshire

Joined on 12/10/05

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๐ŸŽƒCancer and Chickens in the Fall๐ŸŽƒ

Posted by DrSevenSeizeMD - September 22nd, 2023

๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿ’€It's fall!!!!! It's time for an update! ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ‘ป๐ŸŽƒ

This is my most favorite time of the year both in real life and on newgrounds. I LOVE Halloween.ย My house is already decorated. I'm already wearing Halloween clothes.


๐ŸŽƒIf you're new here, the newgrounds Halloween spooktacular is something else! Join the fun!๐ŸŽƒ

I'm hosting a pumpkin carving contest over in the art forum.

You could win $100!

If you can't make any content, consider sponsoring a Halloween contest.

I feel like the newest Salad Fingers dropping was the perfect way to kick off creepy season. IM SO FREAKING READY I CANT CALM DOWN I NEED TO CUT BACK ON PUMPKIN SPICE LATTES

Photo dump of yummy food I've made/stolen/acquired


Frosty wants to play Starfield

(HMU in the comments if you wanna talk Starfield or BG3, I'm playing both)


One final trip to beach before it gets too cool


A few more pictures of this summer's chickens



Ok now blah health update, but I do have good news and bad news!

The good news is that my latest ovarian cancer screening was completely negative. They could not locate the mass. The radiologist and my obgyn both said they have no other explanation other than they looked thoroughly and it's gone. I don't care where it went or how it happened but I'm happy with the results. He told me we will repeat the test in about 9 months but at this time, he's considering me safe!

Now the bad news--- over the summer, at a routine dermatology appointment, they found skin cancer. ๐Ÿ˜„ I can't win.

Anyway. I had 2 surgeries over the summer and my biopsies were pre cancerous. (She said it looked like melanoma.) So I had a THIRD surgery yesterday. I'm off work today and I'm sore. I'm having another biopsy. Yall pray or wish or do whatever you can that this next biopsy is negative. I don't want a 4th surgery.

Also. I'm still losing blood and we can't figure out where or how. So I'm still seeing doctors trying to sort that out. I'm already on high oral doses of iron and my anemia is still severe. May start infusions soon.

Finally, I need to end with something a pretty heavy because it's important and it's on my heart.

Maybe you saw the art work I uploaded in July

A good friend of mine passed away. I'd known her for about 25 years. I was very close to her family. (She's actually my ex's twin sister.) So I'm still good friends with her siblings. (Even the ex) and it was so hard on them because the nature of the way she passed, but I feel like I need to say this in case someone you love is struggling.

She overdosed on drugs.

And the drugs had been laced with fentanyl.

And the people she was with when it happened could have helped her when she coded but they didn't want to get in trouble, so they ditched her.

Those people should go to jail but they won't because she was on drugs.

She was a good person and she deserved justice.

She was more than this.

If you have a substance abuse problem, please know your family loves you. And you don't deserve any less than anyone else because of your addiction. You are loved. Please seek help. You are worthy of help.

If you have a loved one battling addiction, you're loved too.

And your loved ones matter.

As we transition into the holiday season, let's all support each other the best we can.

All of us have so much on our plates right now. Not all of us have family. Sometimes, this time, kinda sucks.

There's a lot of crappy people and crappy things going on in the world but newgrounds remains a hub for some of the best people in existence.ย 

And the way we handle things--- our dark sense of humor--- I truly believe it helps. We have a support system here that no other online community has.

Your NG mom loves you all! Eat your vegetables and stay in school.ย Let's kick off fall!!!!




Hope the skin problem will be solved as soon as possible. As for anemia, maybe it's not a blood loss but a low blood cells production? Can be a result of cancer treatment or some forms of gastritis that leads to vitamin K insufficiency.

I'm going to see a gastro doctor as my other doctors have suggested an absorption problem. I'm deficient in many vitamins and my actual blood count is low. It's very strange. I eat a balanced diet and I've taken multiple vitamins and supplements all my life.

Hoping and praying for all the best! <3

Thank you

yes ma'am

That was a loaded news update. Hope you have a great autumn. Sorry about your friend. Working for the city mental health dept has been an eye opening experience in how much hurting there is out here and how drugs play into it

That's gotta be hard on your mental health, dealing with everyone else's! So you take it easy too. Social work and mental health work, those are crucial careers, but man they're heavy. You want to help them all, but you can't.

ooww, really sorry about your friend, sometimes you cant help those who are struggling when they refuse to see the problem. and Thankfully your last tests came back negative, but its
time to stay out of the sun for a while :(

Her family did try to help her and she went into rehab more than once. It was heartbreaking.
So the sun thing---- I tanned for like a year, 20 years ago, and that did it. People don't realize how bad tanning beds are and it can come back to get ya years later. Tell your gal pals to stay outta tanning beds!

OK I will I know what to do

Good thing I'm a universal donor blood type. Wish I could give you some.

Alright, now where did I leave the scalpel...

I think I'm O negative.....I'm the type that can ONLY receive my type. I can't have any other type. Yay. Lol

Glad to hear from you as always. Here's hoping that skin cancer gets the boot!

Dude if it's not your cysts it's your skin rebelling against you. Get your kingdom in order!

I am so sorry about your friend. You're not alone in losing someone recently to drugs. It is so sad how people are stigmatized to the point they don't feel like it's safe to ask for help, especially when we have things like noloxone (sp?) that can literally stop you from dying. It's seriously a miracle drug that can save so many but we don't have any easy way to get it to people who need it the most. But they're just druggies right who cares what happens to them /s

Vegetables are yucky >:(

They are, but we need them!

@Void @DrSevenSeizeMD As food for our food, maybe.

Part of why cancer keeps coming back in one way or another is due to the environment one lives in. It's one of the reason why those cancer treatment ads in Canada and the US depict families running around a park happy. Stress is a key factor to all disease. The more stressed you are, the more likely the disease wins. My mother was cancer free for a month, but the stress of her life brought it back when it seemed like things in her life were falling apart. One of many factors that contributed to her demise.

Regarding your friend, it's sad to know there are people out there with problems they are in complete denial, but that being said three things.
1. You can't help someone that doesn't want to be helped, but regardless of your intentions, whatever happens to them is not your fault.
2. Part of why we get put into situations like this, is to test us on how we go from there. Some run, some support, some find other ways that would at least satisfy all involved. It all depends on how we handle ourselves and whether or not what we did is the right thing.
3. If you can't lead with words, lead by example. A relative of mine, for example, has struggled with severe alcoholism. When I met him at that state it was a losing battle, but without judging or interfering, I set an example as someone who didn't need booze to have a good time or to cope with problems. Now, the man is more than 3 and a half months sober, has a stable job and is on the cusp of taking his life back one piece at a time. Now I'm not saying everyone is like this guy, but if he can do it, there is hope that others could. And even if you couldn't save your friend, you could be able to stop others from going down that path before it's too late.

I am super, DUPER, mega stressed. I have no family. I'm super unhappy at work. If stress keeps cancer coming back, I will be dead very soon lol.

@DrSevenSeizeMD Maybe, but look at what you've also been doing. In spite of the stress, you still lead a very interesting life. Hell, I had no idea I was speaking to a Mardi Gras Queen until you showed your Mardi Gras stuff here in the past. When I found out I almost fainted. Lol. And even past that, you take your time to let people know good or bad how yours is doing, showing that you're already on top of it. You also use your past and the past of those in your circle as an example to make sure others in the positions you or they are in don't make the same mistakes you or they did. You are a rarity, someone who if I may say so, is extremely beautiful, but also extremely kind, but I may as well say it. Everything you're doing here, makes you a Superheroine. Not all heroes and heroines have superpowers, part of what makes them heroes and heroines is that despite all odds, they do try to make their days and the days of those around them better.

Now I judging by your recent pics, you don't seem to look too sick. I could be wrong, but that being said, it's not so much the stress that is the killer, but that from what I gather from your "super DUPER, mega stress", is that you don't have an outlet to let it all out. Whether it's going to a spa or simply trying to find a quiet place to scream. Part of why the stress kills most people is because they keep it bottled up. If you're able to vent in a healthy way, then skin cancer would feel like just skin rash in comparison. Just to give an example.

The cat is clearly thinking "god damn it, wegra."

@lwpage Meme is under construction.

EDIT: It is done. https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1528319#bbspost27766628_post_text

Glad to see you're making the most of life!

Bing says: If you have skin cancer, just peel off your skin!

Jokes aside: I've been praying for you for about 2 months daily and if your screening turned negative with no explanation, perhaps someone is looking out for you.
If it takes 9 or more months of praying then that's what I'll do.

I know most things don't seem the best right now, but please STAY FAITHFUL/POSTIVIE [not screening positive whoops]. You are the best newgrounds moderator, user and NG pal I've ever met and...well we all love you too!

I'll try eating my veggies Mom! But those brussel sprouts are nasty!

P.S: Here's some cap fan art a friend made, hope you like it. https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/platinum-reaper1/fpseries-knight-cap-concept

I went and 5d it! Fan art of my girl!

well, this post makes me sad. Maybe I'll end my comment on a humorous note: that was some Louisianan voodoo magic that ejected the funky cells from your ovaries. The dermatologist just happened to catch it as it was exiting through your body's outermost layer.

And I got my last biopsy results yesterday and at this moment, I am currently cancer free! Hoping I stay that way!

Dang those health issues persist, and sorry to hear about your good friend Sarah... hope the new cancer goes away though! Happy the old one did! Also did not know you had chickens!!! That' awesome.

Always such a mix of what ought be incredibly sad, depressing and life-alternating impressions in these posts, and good foods, and looks, and times overall. Makes it difficult to react with a suitably summaritive emoji.

You ended the post on a great note at least. NG's great! You're great! Keep fighting the good fight and brightening peoples days, and preaching on the dangers in the daily that we face, and reminding us to live our lives; not let them go to waste!!!

And do hope things get better for ya. All the best!

I had my last biopsy on Friday and it was negative for cancer. :-)

Am obviously late but since I stopped by & read it:

- Am glad that your last biopsy didn't show anything sinister. Cancer can be merciless.

- Am sorry to hear/read about your lack of digestive ability (from the response below). It's always a b**** when health problems prevent us from doing what we want or need to.

- corollary to the previous comment: You're a chronic person, aren't you?...yeah. I'm chronic too, though my issues are different from yours & I've never gotten cancer (so far). We know our own kind!...Dunno why it is that good people seem to get the worst luck, but that's what it looks like. Were I a religious man, I would pray for you. Instead I will wish for Murphy to avoid you completely. (Murphy's Law is real. No faith required for it. Seriously)

- That's a shame about Sarah. Addictions can be equally ruthless.

- The chick is cute, & so are you. I dig that dark hair.

- If you like beaches, you'd love it in my area.

...all of the above, just because you found my comment in another thread amusing & I got curious about your online handle. Anyway I hope you're feeling okay today.

Well that's a relief. :) Glad to hear it!

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