finally!!! YES!!!!
Finally! Someone with talent has made a kick ass claymation. I haven't seen one this good in quite awhile. Thank you for restoring my faith in clay! Excellent job.
finally!!! YES!!!!
Finally! Someone with talent has made a kick ass claymation. I haven't seen one this good in quite awhile. Thank you for restoring my faith in clay! Excellent job.
glad to hear i restored your faith!
Aussies kick ass!
I love Aussies and I've never even been there. Also, I love the word fuckadoodledoo. I laughed every time it came on. Funny. Good job!
Thankyou thankyou, I am an Aussie coz I've lived there for about 4 years, I was originally dutch :P
I think it's hella cool your crew is giving the letter B the attention it deserves. It's a neglected letter of the alphabet. I also think the clock crew is sexy and you guys should make a calendar.
hehe, you say it how it is. thanks alot and the calender idea is a great idea.
Love it!
This kicks ass! Just make me a damn burrito! ha ha ha. Now I want one...after I give you a excellent rating, I am going to taco bell. (and hope I don't see any aliens on the way because all I have is 3 dollars)
rofl thanks dude. Im really happy that you enjoyed it. :D thanks a lot
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Age 71
US Postal Service
New Hampshire
Joined on 12/10/05