This is a post I definitely wish I wasn't making. My poor little @CrosseyeTheCat has passed. So now. A eulogy for my bestest pal. It will not be good enough. He deserved more.
Crosseye was a feral cat who was born about 13 years ago in my neighborhood. His mom was feral. His brothers and sisters were feral. But for some reason, he loved me. As he grew up, he'd wait at my door for me to get home from work so he could come in the house and hang out with me. Once he learned what my car looked like, he'd see me coming and he'd sprint behind me, every day. When it was time for us to move, I simply picked him up---a feral cat--- and put him in my car. He knew he could trust me and was happy to come with me.
Crosseye wasn't aware he was a cat. He behaved more like a dog in that he'd chew on my shoes and eat my students' homework. He behaved more like a human in that he'd sit in a dining room chair, upright, on his hind legs, with his paws perched on the table like a small child. He'd get into Halloween candy and eat it. I took suckers from him more than once. He'd try to drink my coffee. He liked taking selfies. He understood English and would follow pretty much any command I gave him. He greeted me EVERY SINGLE day after work. He always came to see me. He came to bed with me every night. He sat with me in my office while I worked or played video games. He got me through losing 3 of my grandparents, a high risk pregnancy, losing my best friend, grad school, my son's car accident, a jury duty sequestration, losing my niece, and Covid. He was TRULY an emotional support animal.
He had a personality that I have never, ever seen, in any other cat I've had, and I've had cats my entire life.
To say I am brokenhearted would be a gross understatement. I sat next to him on the floor, petting him and ugly crying for at least 2 hours straight.
Until he went cold.
My eyes are swelling shut.
He was like my 3rd kid. I don't care how dumb that sounds to those of you without pets. I loved him like a child. There is a hole in my heart now, that will never, ever be filled. He will always be missing. My sweet little guy. I loved him so much. My life will never be the same without him.
For those who are curious how it happened, he went back to the vet for more x-rays yesterday where she told us it was looking like lymphoma. He was going to have an ultrasound and biopsy on Monday. We were preparing to take out a loan to pay for his chemotherapy. We talked about it all morning. Yall just don't understand how much we considered him part of our family. We honestly think the vet visit just stressed him out so much that he passed. He received steroids and antibiotics which he's had before and I don't think killed him. He received a very low dose of something for his nerves because he was so stressed out. I don't feel it was that either. He ate the wet food we made for him at home and was walking around and meowing at us as usual about 45 minutes before he passed. I found him under my bed where he has been normally sleeping, and in a sleeping position. I think he had a heart attack and died in his sleep.
Thanks to everyone who kept him in your thoughts and prayers this last month and checked in on him.
It means a lot.
@FUNKbrs @DamnedByFate it is now our sworn duty to continue to immortalize him through memes.
May he ALWAYS goddamnit @wegra
Also, @TomFulp, Crosseye's account will continue to support newgrounds financially. It's what he would have wanted.