Hi newgrounds family! Figured I'd post an update since summer is here.
First of all, the cats are doing well and getting along great. (2 headed cat?)

I've continued to hatch out chickens--- from the grocery store! It's an experiment I've been doing for a year now. You just go get Happy Eggs brand from the grocery store and put them in an incubator, and despite being washed, pasteurized, shipped, and refrigerated, they'll hatch! Here's one of my Kroger boys right now and a few friends I hatched from farm eggs, for him. (I've averaged 2-3 chicks per carton)

I did go glamping in Texas--- and I freaking got salmonella poisoning! Only me, right?! Sitting outside my tent at 3 AM just praying I WOULD die omg....I had to go find an urgent care in Seguin, Texas to get an IV.
They also found kidney stones while I was there!
All that aside, it was very pretty there. Tons of deer and possums and raccoons and armadillos and bunnies hanging out with me at 3 AM outside the tent.Β π

I had surgery to have my heart monitor out. The plan was to place a pacemaker or something of that sort, but the electrophysiologist just said my EKGs were too minor for that. I had like 500ish episodes but mostly SVT and that's not something you shock people for. They'll re-evaluate me yearly and he said if anything I might eventually need a new monitor. I'm now set up with an external monitor, to record a 6 lead EKG when I have symptoms. (I'm actually in SVT right now. I feel like crap. π)
They wouldn't let me wear makeup or eat breakfast or lunch for this one. I purposely declined pain meds and anxiety meds for the procedure so I could immediately be discharged after the procedure with no recovery admission, and drive through McDonald's and get a cheeseburger.Β I was starving.

They numbed my chest with local anesthetic and I was awake for all of it. It wasn't painful and they put up a tent so I couldn't see, but I could feel my blood everywhere.Β π€’ I do not recommend.Β Gross feeling.
I took a break from surgery to go to the beach and go to Disney World! I did NOT have to go to the hospital during this trip, praise the lordt. 

I ate lots of good food. It's important you see the food. I found a gothic bakery called Gideons that I know @DamnedByFate would love. I unfortunately did not care for the paprika chips in Germany at Epcot. I apologize DBF. Also, I made sure to put sugar in my grits on the way home, just for @FUNKbrs.

The Star Wars area at Disney was cool as hell. It was neat, even if you aren't the biggest Star Wars fan.

Back at home, I redid my tests for ovarian cancer and they look the same--- which is actually a good thing! Cancer should be growing. This isn't growing, so it's hopefully a benign tumor. He is redoing imaging in September and we will go to 6 month monitoring if things look good there. π€
Unfortunately, while at a routine dermatology exam, THAT doctor found what she thinks is skin cancer, and maybe Melanoma, because why not, right?
I've now had 2 procedures to remove tissue from my lower stomach. (Maybe it's related to my dumb ovaries, I dunno) I had one surgery today. Once again I was awake and numbed and the worst was all the stitches. Blegh. I go back in like 2 weeks and we should have biopsy results in, but she might have already removed what needed to be removed, so I'm not too worried. She said she was actually removing extra to hopefully nip any problems in the bud.
(I got a cheeseburger after this surgery as well. It was ok. 6/10)
It is what it is. If I need more surgery, I need more surgery. If I die, I'll haunt all of you. The circle of life. π»
Still crossing things off my bucket list. Planning a trip to Nevada and California at the moment.
Still planning our Boston trip. My little sister is coming in from New York to visit this week! I'm gonna see if I can talk her into going to Maine too. I wanna see Bar Harbor.
Aaannnndddd I kinda wanna go back to Disney World in October for the Halloween party. It's Nightmare Before Christmas themed, I think Jack and Sally host it.
I might just live at Disney World.
Considering taking a cruise as well, but it looks like you have to book those 2-3 years out? I might not have that kinda time.Β π Any of yall ever go on a cruise? How's that work?
Anyway, I hope you're all doing well. I've had some classes this summer but I'm really hoping to get a bit of artwork done and uploaded here. Maybe I'll draw a chicken!
Love yall! Behave yourselves. Be good to others. Stay hydrated.Β