On behalf of the staff of the Independent California Motel, I wish you all sweet dreams.

Potato πŸ₯” @DrSevenSeizeMD

Age 71

US Postal Service

New Hampshire

Joined on 12/10/05

Exp Points:
22,870 / 23,490
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
8.69 votes
Art Scouts
Master Sergeant
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
12y 3m 27d

DrSevenSeizeMD's News

Posted by DrSevenSeizeMD - November 11th, 2023

Christmas is coming whether we're ready or not! Would you like a Christmas card? I'll send you one!


- PM me your address, even if you have already before please, and the name you'd like me to use. It can be your alias or just a first name. The postal service usually doesn't care.

- All cards will be safe for work, so it's ok if your parents see the card etc. It will be signed "SevenSeize from newgrounds" As long as your family knows you're on newgrounds, you're good. I don't use profanity etc.

- I love everyone here, but we're just friends. Don't get any ideas!

- The cards will be mailed with no return address. Please don't try to send me anything in return. I've had people try to send me money etc. I'm doing this because I love Christmas and I love the newgrounds community. You owe me nothing!

- I've been doing this for like a decade now. I won't dox you and I've yet to murder anyone. I've sent candy and cookies toΒ @MalachyΒ andΒ @FUNKbrsΒ and a few others here for like 17 years now. You won't end up dead.

- If my PM inbox gets full, comment on this post and tell me, I don't take care of my inbox.

- Last day to send me your address is Dec. 5th. I'll be mailing cards out that next weekend.

- Your card may contain glitter......

Now I know what you're thinking. "WE HAVENT EVEN HAD THANKSGIVING YET SEVEN IT IS NOT TIME FOR CHRISTMAS" and I feel you. My house is decorated for Thanksgiving. I have a 6 ft inflatable turkey in my yard right now.

I've worn Thanksgiving clothes to work every single day this entire month.


So I aint no premature Christmas person.

The Christmas tree goes up after Thanksgiving.

But it takes me awhile to make the cards and get them in the mail.

And like if you're overseas, it'll be a month late anyway or your mailman will steal it like @DamnedByFate's does half the time.


Posted by DrSevenSeizeMD - September 22nd, 2023

πŸŽƒπŸ‘»πŸ’€It's fall!!!!! It's time for an update! πŸ’€πŸ‘»πŸŽƒ

This is my most favorite time of the year both in real life and on newgrounds. I LOVE Halloween.Β My house is already decorated. I'm already wearing Halloween clothes.


πŸŽƒIf you're new here, the newgrounds Halloween spooktacular is something else! Join the fun!πŸŽƒ

I'm hosting a pumpkin carving contest over in the art forum.

You could win $100!

If you can't make any content, consider sponsoring a Halloween contest.

I feel like the newest Salad Fingers dropping was the perfect way to kick off creepy season. IM SO FREAKING READY I CANT CALM DOWN I NEED TO CUT BACK ON PUMPKIN SPICE LATTES

Photo dump of yummy food I've made/stolen/acquired


Frosty wants to play Starfield

(HMU in the comments if you wanna talk Starfield or BG3, I'm playing both)


One final trip to beach before it gets too cool


A few more pictures of this summer's chickens



Ok now blah health update, but I do have good news and bad news!

The good news is that my latest ovarian cancer screening was completely negative. They could not locate the mass. The radiologist and my obgyn both said they have no other explanation other than they looked thoroughly and it's gone. I don't care where it went or how it happened but I'm happy with the results. He told me we will repeat the test in about 9 months but at this time, he's considering me safe!

Now the bad news--- over the summer, at a routine dermatology appointment, they found skin cancer. πŸ˜„ I can't win.

Anyway. I had 2 surgeries over the summer and my biopsies were pre cancerous. (She said it looked like melanoma.) So I had a THIRD surgery yesterday. I'm off work today and I'm sore. I'm having another biopsy. Yall pray or wish or do whatever you can that this next biopsy is negative. I don't want a 4th surgery.

Also. I'm still losing blood and we can't figure out where or how. So I'm still seeing doctors trying to sort that out. I'm already on high oral doses of iron and my anemia is still severe. May start infusions soon.

Finally, I need to end with something a pretty heavy because it's important and it's on my heart.

Maybe you saw the art work I uploaded in July

A good friend of mine passed away. I'd known her for about 25 years. I was very close to her family. (She's actually my ex's twin sister.) So I'm still good friends with her siblings. (Even the ex) and it was so hard on them because the nature of the way she passed, but I feel like I need to say this in case someone you love is struggling.

She overdosed on drugs.

And the drugs had been laced with fentanyl.

And the people she was with when it happened could have helped her when she coded but they didn't want to get in trouble, so they ditched her.

Those people should go to jail but they won't because she was on drugs.

She was a good person and she deserved justice.

She was more than this.

If you have a substance abuse problem, please know your family loves you. And you don't deserve any less than anyone else because of your addiction. You are loved. Please seek help. You are worthy of help.

If you have a loved one battling addiction, you're loved too.

And your loved ones matter.

As we transition into the holiday season, let's all support each other the best we can.

All of us have so much on our plates right now. Not all of us have family. Sometimes, this time, kinda sucks.

There's a lot of crappy people and crappy things going on in the world but newgrounds remains a hub for some of the best people in existence.Β 

And the way we handle things--- our dark sense of humor--- I truly believe it helps. We have a support system here that no other online community has.

Your NG mom loves you all! Eat your vegetables and stay in school.Β Let's kick off fall!!!!



Posted by DrSevenSeizeMD - June 23rd, 2023

Hi newgrounds family! Figured I'd post an update since summer is here.

First of all, the cats are doing well and getting along great. (2 headed cat?)


I've continued to hatch out chickens--- from the grocery store! It's an experiment I've been doing for a year now. You just go get Happy Eggs brand from the grocery store and put them in an incubator, and despite being washed, pasteurized, shipped, and refrigerated, they'll hatch! Here's one of my Kroger boys right now and a few friends I hatched from farm eggs, for him. (I've averaged 2-3 chicks per carton)


I did go glamping in Texas--- and I freaking got salmonella poisoning! Only me, right?! Sitting outside my tent at 3 AM just praying I WOULD die omg....I had to go find an urgent care in Seguin, Texas to get an IV.

They also found kidney stones while I was there!

All that aside, it was very pretty there. Tons of deer and possums and raccoons and armadillos and bunnies hanging out with me at 3 AM outside the tent.Β πŸ˜„


I had surgery to have my heart monitor out. The plan was to place a pacemaker or something of that sort, but the electrophysiologist just said my EKGs were too minor for that. I had like 500ish episodes but mostly SVT and that's not something you shock people for. They'll re-evaluate me yearly and he said if anything I might eventually need a new monitor. I'm now set up with an external monitor, to record a 6 lead EKG when I have symptoms. (I'm actually in SVT right now. I feel like crap. πŸ‘Ž)

They wouldn't let me wear makeup or eat breakfast or lunch for this one. I purposely declined pain meds and anxiety meds for the procedure so I could immediately be discharged after the procedure with no recovery admission, and drive through McDonald's and get a cheeseburger.Β I was starving.


They numbed my chest with local anesthetic and I was awake for all of it. It wasn't painful and they put up a tent so I couldn't see, but I could feel my blood everywhere. 🀒 I do not recommend. Gross feeling.

I took a break from surgery to go to the beach and go to Disney World! I did NOT have to go to the hospital during this trip, praise the lordt. iu_1002419_1414829.webp


I ate lots of good food. It's important you see the food. I found a gothic bakery called Gideons that I know @DamnedByFate would love. I unfortunately did not care for the paprika chips in Germany at Epcot. I apologize DBF. Also, I made sure to put sugar in my grits on the way home, just for @FUNKbrs.


The Star Wars area at Disney was cool as hell. It was neat, even if you aren't the biggest Star Wars fan.


Back at home, I redid my tests for ovarian cancer and they look the same--- which is actually a good thing! Cancer should be growing. This isn't growing, so it's hopefully a benign tumor. He is redoing imaging in September and we will go to 6 month monitoring if things look good there. 🀞

Unfortunately, while at a routine dermatology exam, THAT doctor found what she thinks is skin cancer, and maybe Melanoma, because why not, right?

I've now had 2 procedures to remove tissue from my lower stomach. (Maybe it's related to my dumb ovaries, I dunno) I had one surgery today. Once again I was awake and numbed and the worst was all the stitches. Blegh. I go back in like 2 weeks and we should have biopsy results in, but she might have already removed what needed to be removed, so I'm not too worried. She said she was actually removing extra to hopefully nip any problems in the bud.

(I got a cheeseburger after this surgery as well. It was ok. 6/10)

It is what it is. If I need more surgery, I need more surgery. If I die, I'll haunt all of you. The circle of life. πŸ‘»

Still crossing things off my bucket list. Planning a trip to Nevada and California at the moment.

Still planning our Boston trip. My little sister is coming in from New York to visit this week! I'm gonna see if I can talk her into going to Maine too. I wanna see Bar Harbor.

Aaannnndddd I kinda wanna go back to Disney World in October for the Halloween party. It's Nightmare Before Christmas themed, I think Jack and Sally host it.

I might just live at Disney World.

Considering taking a cruise as well, but it looks like you have to book those 2-3 years out? I might not have that kinda time.Β πŸ˜„ Any of yall ever go on a cruise? How's that work?

Anyway, I hope you're all doing well. I've had some classes this summer but I'm really hoping to get a bit of artwork done and uploaded here. Maybe I'll draw a chicken!

Love yall! Behave yourselves. Be good to others. Stay hydrated.Β 



Posted by DrSevenSeizeMD - April 1st, 2023

Man, March is over!?! Happy April!

First of all, I got a new cat! This is Auggie.

I was contacted by our local cat rescue last week when an elderly woman in our town passed away. She left behind this sweet cat with no one to take him. They remembered how much I loved my @CrosseyeTheCat and asked if I'd be interested in this one.

Absolutely. I'm missing my Crosseye, he's missing his mom.

It works out.

He's getting along well with the other cats.


I hatched out a bunch of chickens with the kids at school. They loved learning about the incubation process and watching them hatch. We raised the chicks at school for 3 weeks but then they started flying out of the brooder and running around the classroom so now they've gone to live on a farm.....but I've started a new batch of eggs in the incubator. πŸ™ƒ



I went to a popup traveling comic book store that showed up at a local hotel. I was kinda expecting to be murdered, but I snagged a few books and escaped unharmed.


We had ANOTHER tornado and lost power all night. That was fun.

A student brought a turtle to school.


I ate grits WITHOUT sugar in them TWICE to make @FUNKbrs happy


I went down to the Tabasco Plant at Avery Island, one of my favorite places to go. The Jungle Gardens are beautiful, if you're ever in Louisiana.Β 


I was the Easter Bunny at school on Friday, before we got out for spring break.


.......And I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

Like a month ago I went to my gynecologist for my regular old checkup and told him I was having some stomach pain that my other docs were sort of blowing off. He did routine blood work on me and noticed my actual blood count was very low. As in I was losing blood. Blood doesn't just vanish sooooo where the hell was it?

He ordered a full abdominal CT with nasty disgusting barium swallow.


That showed a large mass on my right ovary.

He called me in the next day for an ultrasound and confirmed it's not a cyst, it's some sort of tumor IN my Communist ovary.

He ordered a blood test for me to check for ovarian cancer specifically. I had no idea that was even a thing.

A day or two ago the office called and said while the test was positive, the numbers weren't very high, so maybe the tumor isn't malignant. Maybe it's just a tumor. He also said there is a specific type of ovarian cancer that does not spread and stays confined to the ovary. We'll watch it over the next few months and regroup in June.

That makes me super uneasy.

Like, isn't ANY tumor/cancer bad? Shouldn't we remove that ovary?

I guess I'm just worried that we caught this early, but now we're going to dick around until it spreads.

If I could have a hysterectomy and be done and not have to do chemo and radiation that'd be super.

So I'll be redoing all these tests again over the next few months. Please keep me in your thoughts and/or prayers.

I'm not really changing anything based on this news, because I don't plan on dying until I actually die.

I'm going glamping in Texas this week and I'm going to Disney World in June.

My college kid is aching to go to Boston and I miss my little sister who moved to New York. Might be buying a few plane tickets soon.

I'm not going to let the future ruin my present.

I don't have much family left. Those of you who know me know alllll about how crazy they are and all the drama they bring.

My circle may be small but it's got good people in it who love me and who I love and I plan to focus all of my time and energy on my people. Many of you are in my circle. Thank you for being in my circle.

Anyway, if you have any sort of experience with ovarian cancer, like through your mom or an aunt etc, feel free to PM me! I'd like to hear any advice you might have. I hope all of you are happy and healthy though. ❀️.

Happy Easter to you my peeps! πŸ₯

Love yall!



Posted by DrSevenSeizeMD - February 24th, 2023

Man February has been busy!

I've mostly been busy with Mardi Gras stuff/carnival season, which is celebrated world wide, not just in Louisiana.Β πŸ’œπŸ’›πŸ’š

I made, and ate, WAY too much king cake, which came from France btw.Β 


I bought a sequin Mardi Gras jacket from a boutique in New Orleans, which I wore to many parades. A wise investment. Worth every penny.

Saw lots of cool things at the parades.Β 


I've stayed wicked busy with work. I'm coaching after school at least twice a week (track and field for young girls) and also am running a few after school clubs.

We did a 5K/color run in the rain the other day. That was lovely. I was blue.Β 


So if I'm not around, it's just work keeping me away. No drama or anything.Β Β 

Here on newgrounds, I got to be on @ThatJohnnyGuy and @The-Great-One 's podcast!

I'm super socially awkward. I talked when I wasn't supposed to and didn't talk when I was supposed to and just generally, talking on phones or to people or anything social related just isn't my thing, but I LOVE both @ThatJohnnyGuy and the @The-Great-One , so I'd do anything for those fellas.Β 

I encourage you to go support them!

I'm also attempting to make my reading goal in this year's reading challenge

thread by @jackho


I've been trying to get through a stack of like 100 comic books I acquired last year. Seriously.Β I have so many. And then I keep buying more! I picked up a bunch of early 70s Doctor Strange books over Christmas break.

I'm enjoying the ads in those....iu_905343_1414829.webp

I had fun participating in Pixel Day last month! I'm definitely still an amateur but I'm enjoying learning pixel art

If you haven't explored the forums/BBS much, feel free to stop by and bump my thread! Let us know what you love on newgrounds today!


Anyway, I gotta go do boring adult stuff now.

Love all yall

Support newgrounds and join our top secret forum!


@TomFulp buy us all Mexican food pleaseΒ 



Posted by DrSevenSeizeMD - December 30th, 2022

Just finished up a trip to Missouri and Arkansas. I love the mountains. I hate that I live somewhere flat.


This picture, below, is Buffalo River in Arkansas, near Ponca. Went

looking for elk. One of my favorite places.


Went to all of the tourist trap places and had a great time, including 2 car museums and 2 aquariums.


It was snowy. It was windy.


I ate a bunch of good food.


I hope you guys have a great new year.

Did yall go anywhere good?

You eat any good food?


Posted by DrSevenSeizeMD - December 20th, 2022

Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

I sent out a bunch of glitter bombs/holiday cards to those of you who signed up here. Some folks have already received theirs! I've successfully glitter bombed @taka and @GoryBlizzard


I've just finished making a TON of holiday candy. I'll be mailing that out to those of you who I've known since I got here.

I make the chocolate peanut butter Ritz sandwiches almost exclusively for @FUNKbrs and his crew.


I got a potato for Christmas, from a student yesterday.


I went to see some Christmas lights!


And I got a new kitty cat!


Ok that's all I've got going on.

Yall take care and have a happy holiday season.

❀️ yall!


Posted by DrSevenSeizeMD - November 21st, 2022

Christmas is coming whether we're ready or not! Would you like a Christmas card? I'll send you one!


- PM me your address, even if you have already before please.

- All cards will be safe for work, so it's ok if your parents see the card etc.

- I love everyone here, but we're just friends. Don't get any ideas!

- The cards will be mailed with no return address. Please don't try to send me anything in return. I've had people try to send me money etc. I'm doing this because I love Christmas and I love the newgrounds community. You owe me nothing!

- I've been doing this for like a decade now. I won't dox you and I've yet to murder anyone. I've sent candy and cookies to @Malachy and @FUNKbrs and a few others here for like 16 years now. You won't end up dead.

- If my PM inbox gets full, comment on this post and tell me, I don't take care of my inbox.

- Last day to send me your address is Dec. 5th. I'll be mailing cards out that next weekend.

- Your card may contain glitter......


And my yearly nativity:




Posted by DrSevenSeizeMD - October 18th, 2022

I got mine!!!

If you're under 30, you probably have no idea why I'm excited, but all my fellow old people remember these from the early 90s.

Also I dyed my hair pink for school and I used that cheap spray stuff and now my hair is stiff and my face and fingers are pink. iu_778528_1414829.webpiu_778527_1414829.webp


Posted by DrSevenSeizeMD - October 10th, 2022

On the radio earlier they were talking about what they'd wish for if they found a genie.

It was a fun discussion but I realized--- I have no idea what I'd wish for.

Most of what I truly want is excluded in the genie rules.

- You can't wish for anyone to die. I really want my evil family members who screwed over my grandparents to just drop dead.

- You can't wish for people to love you

- You can't wish for immortality

- You can't bring people (or cats) back from the dead.

I'd want to be beautiful. I mean like BEAUTIFUL beautiful. I don't think I'm ugly or anything, but I'd want to be HOT.

But I've got a bad heart. Bad kidneys. I'm in poor health. So before I'd wish to be hot, I'd wish to be healthy.

I'd want to wish for some sort of way to have unlimited money. I feel like despite what people say, money does buy happiness, and it'd solve a lot of my problems.

And I'd want my 3rd wish to be to free the genie. I'd feel way too guilty if I didn't free the genie.

What would you wish for?